1830-1 Mr. D L. Hazlett
Dear Sir:
This refers to your
letter dated December 15, 2003 to General Director Labor Relations A.T.
Olin concerning the BLE Organization progressing discipline and/or
rules claims on behalf of operating craft employees other than
locomotive engineers.
Mr. Olin has referred
your letter to us for review and further handling. In previous
correspondence dated September 2, 2003, Carrier concurred that you are
the duly authorized Organization regarding UTU collective bargaining
agreements under your jurisdiction. In addition hereto, the BLE
General Chairmen have been advised of the procedurally defective and
inappropriate handling of claims/grievances and/or discipline of train
service employees involving the UTU collective bargaining agreements.
Our position remains unchanged.
If you have any
further questions regarding this, please do not hesitate to contact us
at your convenience.
Yours truly,
F.A. Tamisiea S.F. Boone