Section 1.     Crew Reduction  by Attrition.     The
reduction  of road  freight service   brakeman  or yard  helper
position   from any  crew  shall  be  made  solely  on  a  pure
attrition  basis,  i.e.,  no  road  freight  brakeman  or  yard
helper   position  available  to  a  protected   employe  under
schedule  rules will be  blanked, except  as set forth  in this
           (a)   So  long  as  there  are  protected   employes
furloughed  on a  division, reduced  crews may  be operated  on
that  division  only  as  provided  for  in  the  Crew  Consist
Agreement  dated  March 1, 1968  (crews permitted  to be  oper-
ated  as   reduced crews  prior   to  this agreement)   and  in
Article  X (Personal Leave).
           (b)  When  there  are  no  protected  employes  fur-
loughed  on  a division,  reduced  crews  may  be  operated  as
provided   for in  Article  III,  Section  2 (b) and  (e)  (Not
Reporting/Not  Completing Shift);  Article IV,  Section  2 (New
Business),  Section 3 (Non-Revenue),  and, Section 4  (Hours of
Service  Relief Crews);  Article  X (Personal  Leave); and  the
Crew Consist  Agreement dated March  1, 1968.
           Q-l: In reference to Section l(b), above, if
               the protecting extra board is exhausted
               of protected brakemen (at the time of
               call) or yardmen (within 1'15" of the
               on-duty time) and no protected employes
               are furloughed on the division, may the
               position be blanked for that trip or tour
               of duty?
           A-l: Yes.
           Section 2.   Passenger Service.   Nothing   in  this
Agreement  changes   existing  Crew Consist    arrangements   in
passenger  service.
           Section 3.  Manual Retainers.   A train or a  cut of
cars handled  in heavy  descending grade  territory, requiring
the  use  of  hand operated  retainers,   under  the Carrier's
instructions,  shall be manned by a  standard crew.
           Q-l: A train not  requiring hand-operated
               retainers leaves the terminal with a
               reduced (1 and 1) crew. After departure
               from the terminal, strictly mechanical
               malfunctions occur on the train enroute
               which necessitate the use  of manual
               retainers. Would the extra brakeman who
               would have been called at the terminal
               (had the crew been a 1 and 2 crew) be
               entitled to payment for not being called
               for the assignment?
           A-l: No, because when the train departed the
               terminal the mechanical malfunctions were
               unknown and developed enroute.
           Section  4.  Minimum  Crew Size.   No  service  shall
be  required of  any crew  manned  by less  than one  conductor/
foreman   and  one  brakeman/yard   helper.    Nothing  in  this
Agreement   shall prevent   the Carrier   from adding  an  addi-
tional   position(s)   of road   brakeman/yard   helper  to  any
assignment  when  in its  judgment  the  additional  position(s)
is  deemed necessary and  will be  so designated.
           Section  5.   Employes  will   not  be   required   to
perform  any service    with less  than the  required  train/yard
crew  consist  specified  in  this Agreement  nor  will  they  be
censured  or disciplined  in any manner  or be required  to lose
time  for refusal to do  so.
           Q-l: Do the provisions of this Section apply
               to pick  ups made enroute which would
               result in exceeding the agreed-to train
               length limits for a reduced crew?
           A-l: Yes.
           Section  6.  Except  as  provided   in Article  V   of
this  Agreement, no brakeman/yard  helper  will be  moved from a
standard  crew of one  conductor/foreman  and two brakemen/yard
helpers  to a  reduced  crew of  one conductor/foreman   and one
brakeman/yard  helper  in order  to  make such  crew  a standard
crew  of one conductor/foreman  and  two brakeman/yard  helpers.
           Q-l: If a crew leaves the initial terminal as
               a  standard  crew, will  it  remain a
               standard crew to its objective terminal
               and if a crew leaves the initial terminal
               as a  reduced crew, will it  remain a
               reduced crew to its objective terminal?
           A-l: Yes.
           Q-2: If a standard or  a  reduced crew is
               deadheading with a reduced crew and while
               enroute  to  their  objective terminal
               conditions require a full crew, will one
               member of the deadhead crew be required
               to make the reduced crew a standard crew?
           A-2: No, nor will a deadheading standard crew
               be  pressed  into service  enroute to
               supplement the working reduced crew.

           Q-3: Will crews be required to  change or
               exchange  trains for  the purpose  of
               meeting the  requirements of the Crew
               Consist Agreement?
           A-3: No.
           Section  7.         Displacement  Rights - Protected
Employes.   A  protected  employe  shall retain the rightto
exercise  seniority  to  any must-fill  or  blankable  (blanked)
position,   except  under   conditions  provided  for   in  this
           Q-l: How shall a protected employe acquire the
               right to exercise seniority to a blank-
               able (blanked) position?
           A-l: By seniority right to obtain such position
               under governing existing Schedule Rules
               and as further provided in this Agreement.
           Q-2: If a protected employe displaces on a
               reduced  crew, with   a  non-protected
               employe occupying the brakeman/yardman
               position, must the  protected employe
               displace the non-protected employe from
               the must-fill position or may he place
               himself on the blanked vacancy?
           A-2: The protected employe would displace the
               non-protected employe.
           Section  8.  The  method  to  arrive   at  a blanked
position   is through    pure  attrition   as  provided  for   in
Article  II, Section  1, or when  no protected  employe elects,
by  exercise of  seniority  (displaces,  makes  application,  or
bids),  to occupy  the blankable position  under schedule  rules
or  agreements,  except as  specifically  provided  for in  this
           NOTE:   The crew caller will notify
                   trainmen and yardmen when
                   called for a reduced crew.
           Section  9.     Displacement Rights  - Non-Protected
Employes.   Non-protected  employes will not  have the right  to
exercise   seniority   to   a  blanked   or  blankable    second
brakeman/yard  helper position.
           Section  10.  Nothing  in this  agreement  gives  the
Carrier  the right  to work  reduced crews  by  failing to  call
the required  brakeman/yardman.