Section 1.   The   following  shall  apply  on  an
operating  division  at  such time  as  there  are protected
yardmen furloughed on that division:
          (a)    Both Helper Positions Must Fill.   Where  a
yard crew consists of a  foreman and two helpers (both helper
positions are "must-fill" as a result of Carrier designation
or bulletin due  to safety and requirements of the service),
and one member fails  to report for duty or discontinues duty
before completion of  the crews' tour of duty, the remaining
two  crew members  will  not be  required to  start work  or
continue  to work  as  a reduced  crew  (except to  take the
engine to the tie-up  point).
          (b)  Not  Reporting.  In the  event a member  of a
yard  crew consisting of  one foreman  and two  helpers (one
helper position is blankable), fails to report for duty, the
remaining  two crew  members may  be required  to work  on a
reduced crew basis not to exceed two hours from the starting
time  of  the assignment  if there  is  a protected  employe
available to  fill the vacancy.   If the absent  crew member
does not report within thirty minutes from the starting time
of  the assignment,  a protected  available employe will  be
called  to  fill  the vacancy.   If  there  is no  protected
employe available to  fill the vacancy, the position will be
blanked and the remaining crew members will finish that tour
of duty, receiving the Special Allowance and the Productivity
Fund will be credited.
          (e)  Not Completing Shift.  In the  event that any
member of  a yard crew   consisting of  one foreman and  two
helpers  (one helper  position  is blankable),  discontinues
duty  before completion  of  the  crew's tour  of duty,  the
remaining two  crew members may  be required to work  not to
exceed 90 minutes if  a protected employe is available.  The
Carrier may  elect  to tie the  crew up  rather than  call a
replacement.  In  the event  no protected employe  is avail-
able, the remaining two  crew members may be required to work
on a reduced crew basis, receiving the Special Allowance and
the Productivity Fund will be credited.
          Section 2.   The   following  shall  apply  on  an
operating division  at such  time as there are  no protected
yardmen furloughed on that division:
          (a)   Both  Helper Positions Must Fill.   Where  a
yard crew consists of a  foreman and two helpers (both helper
positions are "must-fill" as a result of Carrier designation
or bulletin due to  safety and requirements of the service),
and one member fails  to report for duty or discontinues duty
before completion of  the crews' tour of duty, the remaining
two  crew members  will  not be  required to  start work  or
continue   to work   as a  reduced  crew   (except  to  take  the
engine  to the tie-up  point).
           (b)   Not Reporting.   In  the  event  a member  of  a
yard  crew  consisting  of  one  foreman  and  two helpers   (one
helper  position is  blankable),  fails to report  for duty,  the
remaining  two  crew  members  may be  required  to  start work.
If  the foreman  fails to  report, a  qualified foreman  on  same
crew  will  be   used.   If  there  is  no  qualified   foreman,
existing  Schedule  Rules will apply.
           Should the  absent member  fail to  report within  one
hour  from the on-duty  time,  the remaining   crew members will
finish  that tour of  duty receiving  the Special  Allowance  and
the Productivity  Fund will  be  credited.
           (e)   Not Completing  Shift.   In  the  event  a yard
crew  member leaves the  job due to sickness,   injury  or other
compelling  reason,  during  a tour of  duty  and  the remaining
two crew  members  are required  to continue  working  in excess
of  one hour  or  to  complete that  tour  of  duty,  they shall
receive  the Special  Allowance  and the Productivity  Fund will
be  credited.
           Q-l: Under Section 2(b), what will be  the
               compensation of   the helper  who   is
               stepped-up to the foreman's position?
           A-l: The helper so stepped-up will be compen-
               sated the foreman's rate in accordance
               with Schedule Rules.
           Q-2: Under Section 2(b), how will the employe
               be compensated who failed to report at
               the  start of  shift, but who  reports
               within one hour after the start of the
           A-2: Such employe would be compensated for         ,
               actual time worked, at the rate of pay of
               the   position actually worked.    The
               employe may be  permitted to receive a
               basic day's pay in those situations where
               the  Carrier determines the  employe's
               excuse for reporting late is reasonable.
           Q-3: Under Section 2(b), what compensation
               will be paid to the employes of a crew, a
               meniber of which reports for work an hour,
               or greater, after the start of the shift?
           A-3: The employes working f ran the beginning
               of the shift will be compensated at the
               rate of pay of  the position worked in
                 accordance with  the Schedule Rules;  the
                 enploye reporting late for service is not
                 entitled to  service or compensation  for
                 that shift;  and those  two crew  members
                 who  work  the  shift  will  receive  the
                 Special Allowance  and Productivity  Fund
                 will be credited.
            Q-4: Under Section 2(b), may a crew member who
                 reports  for work  an  hour, or  greater,
                 after the start  of the shift be  allowed
                 to work under any circumstances?
            A-4: The crew member may be permitted  to work
                 in  those situations  where  the  Carrier
                 determines the  crew member's  excuse  is
                 reasonable  and  justifies  allowing  the
                 crew member to work.
            Q-5: Under Sections l(c) and 2(e), if a member
                 of a yard  crew discontinues duty  before
                 completion of the crew's tour of duty and
                 protected employes  are  available,  must
                 the Carrier call a replacement?
            A-5: Yes, but the  remaining two crew  members
                 may be required to work not to exceed  90
                 minutes and will not receive the  Special
                 Allowance and the Productivity Fund  will
                 not  be  credited.    In  addition,   the
                 Carrier may elect to tie the crew up.