ITEM ‑ 43(b)
On all districts which are not
protected by a conductors' extra board, Rule 43(a) of the current Schedule of
Rules is modified and the following provisions shall govern the filling of
temporary conductors' vacancies:
1. Conductors' vacancies in all classes of freight service
shall be filled in the following order:
(a) By use of the senior promoted brakeman
available at calling time who has not filed written notice as provided by
Section 2 of this Agreement.
(b) When no promoted brakeman is available
under Section l(a) above, the conductor's vacancy shall be filled by use of the
junior promoted brakeman available at calling time with written application on
file as provided by Section 2 of this Agreement.
2. Promoted brakemen may file written notice with crew
dispatcher to be exempted from use on temporary conductor vacancies. The
exemption must remain in effect for four (4) months and promoted brakemen who
file such notice shall not be required to protect conductor vacancies during
the exemption period, except as provided by Section l(b) of this Agreement.
3. The written notice provided by Section 2 of this
Agreement shall not apply to or affect the exercise of seniority, bulletin,
assignment or any other agreement provisions, except as specifically provided
4. This Agreement shall be effective May 2, 1971 and shall
terminate ten days after service of written notice by either party.
Dated at Omaha, Nebraska this 15th day
of April, 1971.