ITEM ‑ 44(c)


October 7, 1977


Referring to your May 2 and August 18, 1977 letters, file GCA/77‑3, requesting an agreement to the effect that a trainman must exercise his seniority to a regular position before being allowed to fill a temporary vacancy in any class of service:




The following shall be added as paragraph (f) of Rule 44 "TEMPORARY VACANCIES ‑ ASSIGNED FREIGHT SERVICE" of the UTU(C)&(T) schedule of rules effec­tive November 1, 1957:


(f) Before being permitted to fill a tempo­rary vacancy under this rule, an employe must exercise his seniority to a regular position.­




The following shall be added as paragraph (f) of rule 45 "TEMPORARY VACANCIES ‑ POOL FREIGHT SER­VICE" of the UTU(C)&(T) schedule of rules effective November 1, 1957:


"(f) Before being permitted to fill a tempo­rary vacancy under this rule, an employe must exercise his seniority to a regular position."


The above additions to rules 44 and 45 are effective October 15, 1977. This agreement may be cancelled by the service of a 10‑day written notice by either party