93 (d)
June 5, 1978
Mr. R. B. Murdock
General Chairman, UTU(C)&(T)
206 Farm Credit Building
Omaha, Nebraska 68102
Dear Sir:
This refers to your request
(GCA/77-20), about application of Rule 93(d)(1) of the Road Agreement, which
was discussed with you in conference on May 31, 1978.
It is agreed that when no bids are
received for a regular conductor's bulletined assignment the junior conductor
not holding a regular assignment as conductor will be assigned. Conductors
assigned to the Conductors' Extra Board will be considered as holding a regular
assignment as conductor for purposes of this agreement.
This agreement is effective
immediately and may be terminated by the service of a ten-day written notice by
either party on the other.
Yours truly,
/s/ J. H. Kenny
/s/ R. B. Murdock
General Chairman, UTU(C)&(T)