Road Crews Working
in Topeka Yard
February 11, 1955
A. L. Moore, General Chairman,
Order of Railway Conductors and Brakemen,
1125 W.O.W. Building,
Omaha, Nebraska.
J. R. Johnson, General Chairman,
Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen.
718 Kilpatrick Building,
Omaha, Nebraska.
In conference on January 26, 1955 we discussed
the manner in
which road trainmen would be permitted to
work in the Topeka
Yard to offset the time consumed by yard crews working outside
switching limits, in conformity with
Section (c), Article 10, of
the National Agreements dated May 25, 1951 and May 23. 1952,
During the period March 26, 1954 to January 31, 1955, in-
Topeka yard crews worked outside the Topeka switching
limits 111 hours and 10 minutes.
It is agreed:
1. A bulletin will be posted for a period of
six days, to be
on the 10th day from date of bulletin, for one con-
ductor and two brakemen to work in Topeka yard as yard
foreman and yard helpers, respectively.
Conductors working
on the seniority districts Kansas
City-Junction City, and
Kansas City-Marysville and Branches, may submit written
application for the position of foreman, and regular or extra
brakemen working on the same seniority districts may sub-
mit written application for positions of helpers.
2. The senior conductor and senior brakeman
or brakemen
written application for the vacancies will be assigned
as foreman and helpers, respectively, and required to remain
thereon, subject to Section 4, until the time due the road
crew is worked off. When there are less than 8 hours re-
maining to be worked off, the road crew will be released,
and the remaining time will be included in the subsequent
accumulation of time.
Vacancies of foreman and/or helpers caused by roadmen
not being available for their assignment
while working in the
Topeka Yard will be filled
respectively by the senior pro-
moted brakeman of the district and
the first out extra
brakeman available at calling time.
Extra yardmen will be
utilized to fill such vacancies
until a road conductor or
road brakemen, whichever is
applicable, can be made avail-
able. Time worked by extra yardmen
in filling these va-
cancies will be accounted for in the same manner as if the
roadmen had continued working.
4. A senior road conductor who cannot work as such in
road service
may displace the conductor working as yard fore-
man, and senior road brakemen who
cannot remain on the
extra board may displace the
brakemen working as yard
assigned roadman will take the rest days of the
junior regular yardman working in the Topeka
Yard. At present
one engine is working around the dock, seven
days per
week, which affords regular positions for 12 yardmen and
three days per week for an extra yard man. The roadmen
will take the rest days of the yardmen standing
10th, 11th
and 12th on the Topeka Yard list.
Roadmen will work under yard rules and conditions except
local representatives of the employes involved may mutually
agree as to the shift the road crew will work. In the event
the local representatives fail to agree the Carrier will desig-
nate the shift.
7. Overtime
will be considered the same as straight time is
determining the time to be worked off by the roadmen.
8. In
accordance with second paragraph of Section (e), Article
10, of National Agreements with the Brotherhood of Rail-
road Trainmen and Order of Railway
Conductors, dated
May 25, 1951 and May 23, 1952, respectively, reading in
part as follows:
" * * * the carrier
shall periodically offer to road em-
ployes the opportunity to work in yard
service, under
yard rules and conditions, on assignments as may be
mutually agreed upon by the local representatives of the
employes involved, for a period of time sufficient to offset
the time so consumed by yard crews outside the switching
road conductor and/or road brakeman, or
brakemen, failing
to avail themselves of the work in the
Topeka Yard in
accordance with Section 1 will forfeit any and all claims to
that period of accumulated time that is being run off.
9. Conductors and brakemen returning to road
service after
working in
Topeka Yard under the provisions of this agree-
ment will be governed by the provisions of Rule 92-13 of
current agreement between the Order of Railway Conductors,
the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, and the Union Pa-
cific Railroad (Eastern District) elective June 1, 1941.
That rule reads as follows:
displaced from assigned runs which are in
effect less than 90 days,. and trainmen dismissed from
service and subsequently reinstated, will return to their
assignment, crew or position, or exercise seniority
on assignments bulletined, during period they were on the
assignment or during period of dismissal. Trainmen dis-
placed under provisions of this rule will return to former
assignment, crew or position, or exercise
seniority on
assignments bulletined daring period they held assign-
ment from which displaced."
The current rates of
pay for yardmen are as follows:
Yardmaster ................ .$18.30
Foreman ............................……… 17.35
It is further understood this agreement is subject to
written notice by any one of the parties signatory hereto on
the other parties of desire to change it.
General Chairman, ORC&B
General Chairman, BofRT