(a) Conductors and brakemen
may be granted leave of absence when they can be spared without interference to
the service, but not to exceed 90 days (except in cases of sickness or committee
work) unless approved by the Superintendent and Local Chairman.
(b) Employes on leave of absence who fail, without reasonable excuse to
report for duty at the expiration thereof, will be considered out of the service
and forfeit seniority.
(c) A leave of absence will be granted automatically to an employe who is
sick or injured.
A request for medical leave of absence in excess of fifteen (15) days
must be properly documented and supported by a statement from the employe's
physician giving the specific reason for and the expected duration of the leave
of absence.
If a dispute arises as to whether or not a request for a medical leave of
absence is properly documented, the seniority of the employe in question will
not be terminated during the pendency of such dispute.
Note: See Appendix "A" - Item 88.