ITEM 7(d)


Omaha, Nebraska         May 19, 1965           

J.H. Shepherd, Vice President
Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen
631 Bartlatt Building
215 West 7th Street
Los Angeles, California 90011

                ( CC - H. A. Janulewicz, General Chairman
                       Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen 
                       718 Kilpatrick Building
                       Omaha, Nebraska

Dear Sir:

This has reference to your letter of April 13, 1965 replying to mine of April 1, 1965 referring to conference held on March 12, 1965 in connection with the application of Article I, "Paid Holidays", of the agreement dated June 25, 1964.

The work week for extra yardmen on the Eastern District commences on Wednesday under the provisions of Section 9(a) of the Fire Day Work Week Agreement-Supplement, and they have no scheduled rest days.

However, Section 1(a) of Article I, "Paid Holidays", of the June 25, 1964 agreement reads as follows:

"For purposes of this Agreement, the work week for extra yard service employees shall be Monday through Friday, both days inclusive. If the holiday falls on Friday, Monday of the succeeding week shall be considered the work day immediately following. If the holiday falls on Monday, Friday of the preceding week shall be considered the work day immediately preceding the holiday."

"NOTE: This work week shall not be applied to extra yard service employees who have scheduled days off other than Saturday and Sunday, in which event the same principle outlined above will apply in determining the work days immediately preceding and following the holiday."

It is, therefore, agreed that for the purposes of applying Section l(a), quoted above, of the June 25, 1964 agreement, a hypothetical work week for extra yardmen on the Eastern District will be considered ae Monday through Friday and their hypothetical rest days will be considered as Saturday and Sunday.  Holiday allowances will be made accordingly.

For all other purposes the work week for extra yardmen on the Eastern District will commence on Wednesday.

Yours truly,

/s/ N. T. Delong


/s/ J. H. Shepherd
Vice President, BofRT

/s/ H. A. Janulewicz
General Chairman, BofRT