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1. Effective on the implementation of this agreement, all existing extra boards both guaranteed and non-guaranteed will remain as currently applied and will be governed by the applicable rules to and including the Modified Crew Consist Agreement. 2. At the request of either party selected extra boards may be combined to guaranteed conductor/brakemen, conductor/brakeman/yardmen or brake-man/yardman boards. However, such establishment and combination of boards must be by mutual consent of both parties. 3. In the event mutual consent is reached, the following will be made on the selected board(s): a. Combination Conductor/Brakeman Extra Boards i. Twenty (20) basic days per pay period for trainmen hired prior to November 1, 1985 and eighteen (18) basic days for trainmen hired on or after that date. ii. The rate will be the Conductor Local Rate of pay, 1-80 car count. iii. Trainmen occupying such board must have successfully completed the conductor's promotion examination and will be assigned by a seniority arrangement made between the parties. iv. Such combination extra board will be regulated by the Carrier subject to the obligation of the Carrier to keep a sufficient number of employes on such board to permit reasonable absence privileges. In that regard, the minimum number of extra board employes will equal twenty five (25%) percent of the must fill assignments protected by such board. v. Employes displacing to or displaced from the extra board will receive credit for guarantee purposes for that day if the employe will or has occupied that board for a period of not less than twelve (12) hours. vi. If there is an existing yardman guaranteed extra board at a location where a combination conductor/brakeman is established, the number of days guarantee for such yardman board will be increased to thirteen (13) basic days. vii. In the event a combination conductor/brakeman or conductor/brakeman/yardman board is established prior to one (1) year from the effective date of this agreement, non-promoted brakemen will be permitted to occupy such board, subject to the following conditions: (1) The employe is unable to hold any assignment or reserve board in his/her home terminal (including outlining assignments protected from that source of supply). (2) Any non-promoted brakeman on the extra board who is not utilized for service as a result of his/her non-promoted status will be placed on the bottom of the extra board with no reduction in guarantee. (3) The guarantee for a non-promoted brakeman on a combination conductor/brakeman extra board shall be computed at the brakeman's through freight rate of pay rather than as provided in this Section 3(a). The guarantee shall be raised to the conductor's local rate of pay for the pay period during which the employe passes the conductors promotion examination.(4) Any non-promoted brakeman on a combination conductor/brakeman extra board shall be required to attend the first conductor promotion class held at the extra board location, unless the needs of the Carrier's service prevents such attendance. Failure to do so, or failure to pass the examination shall result in that employe being removed from the extra board. b. Combination Conductor/Brakeman/Yardman Guarantee Extra Board i. Same as Section 3(a) except the guarantee basic days will be increased to twenty-one (21) for trainmen hired prior to November 1, 1985 and nineteen (19) for trainmen hired on or after that date. c. Combination Brakeman/Yardman Guaranteed Extra Board i. Guarantee basic days the same as Section 3(b) except the rate of pay will be the yard helper rate. ii. The provisions set forth in Items iii, and iv of Section 3(a) will obviously not apply. d. General Provisions The provisions set forth in any of the applicable sub-sections of this Section 3 include all other conditions and requirements on guaranteed extra boards as set forth in the Modified Crew Consist Agreement.