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1- a. The Carrier shall establish Reserve Boards for eligible employes working on the territories comprehended by this agreement to accommodate all surplus first brakemen resulting from the implementation of this agreement. These Reserve Boards shall be known as Tier I Reserve Boards. b. The existing Reserve Boards, established by the modification agreement to accommodate all surplus second brakemen/helpers, shall continue, as modified by this agreement, and shall be known as Tier II Reserve Boards. 2. Employes, pursuant to the provisions set forth in Article VII, Section 1(b) of this agreement as well as the applicable zone board rights under the Modified Crew Consist Agreements, may exercise seniority to available Reserve Board positions. However, should there be insufficient applications for available Reserve Board positions (there are more applications for must-fill positions than there are must-fill positions), employes will be force-assigned to a Reserve Board position in reverse seniority order. Appropriate Tier I positions either in the exercise of seniority or force assigned will be filled before Tier II positions are filled. 3. In order to occupy a Reserve Board position, whether Tier I or Tier II, an employe must have a seniority date on the territories comprehended by this agreement in train/yard service prior to the date of this Agreement; must be working in train/yard service immediately prior to assignment to a Reserve Board position and must be in active service as a trainman/switchman on the . effective date of this Agreement. The provisions with respect to reserve board rights within each board zone as outlined in the .Modified Crew Consist Agreements are still applicable. 4. (1) An employe placed on any Reserve Board shall remain in that status until: a. The employe is recalled voluntarily to active service. b. The employe is recalled involuntarily to active service. c. The employe resigns or retires from the Carrier's employment. d. The employe is discharged from employment by the Carrier. /' e. The employe exercises seniority pursuant to the provisions set forth in Article V of the Modified Crew Consist Agreement. (2) Employes recalled from the reserve board will be in reverse seniority order, recalling from the Tier II Board first. Involuntary recalls will not be made from the Tier I Board until the Tier II Board is exhausted of employes. 5. Employes on the reserve board shall be paid in accordance with the following: a. Tier I - 75% of the employe's established test period earnings under Modified Crew Consist. However, on March 1, 1992, the employes earnings for 1991 (trainman earnings only and excluding the lump sum allowance that was paid under Modified Crew Consist) will be compared with the established test period earnings and the higher of the two (2) will thereafter be applied. b. Tier.II - 70% of the employes established test period earnings under Modified Crew Consist. However, on March 1, 1992, the employes earnings for 1991 (trainman earnings only and excluding the lump sum allowance that was paid under Modified Crew Consist) will be compared with the established test period earnings and the higher of the two (2) will thereafter be applied. c. The employes test period earnings are not subject to negotiated COLA adjustments and wage increases. d. The employes 1991 earnings will not include the lump sum allowances paid under Article VI and VIII of this agreement. 6. No other payments shall be made to or on behalf of an employe on any of the Reserve Boards except for payment of premiums under applicable health and welfare plans. No deductions from pay shall be made on behalf of a Reserve Board brakeman/switchman except for deductions of income, employment or payroll taxes (including railroad retirement taxes) pursuant to federal, state or local law, deductions of dues pursuant to an applicable union shop agreement and any other deductions authorized by agreement; and, any other legally required deduction. Employes assigned to any of the reserve boards shall be eligible for the Carrier's Tuition Aid Program. 7. Trainmen on any of the Reserve Boards must maintain their work proficiencies while in such status, including successfully completing any retraining or refresher programs required to maintain those proficiencies which may include the passing of any tests or examinations (including physical examinations) administered for the purpose of determining whether such proficiencies have been maintained. In order to ensure that work proficiencies are properly maintained, each trainman on any of the Reserve Boards will be required to exercise seniority to a regular or extra assignment within the reserve board zone (seniority permitting) and remain off Reserve Board status for six (6) continuous months in every thirty (30) month period beginning with the implementation date of this Agreement. 8. Employes on the reserve board must hold themselves available for return to service upon fifteen (15) days notice. a. Employes responding to a telephone recall and "marking up" within twenty-four (24) hours thereafter will have their Reserve Board pay continued for fourteen (14) days from the date they received the telephone recall.b. Employes responding to a written recall and "marking-up" within four (4) days thereafter (on date of the first delivery attempt by certified mail) will have their Reserve Board pay continued for seven (7) days from the date they received the recall letter. c. Recall shall be in reverse seniority order, except employes may make application to be recalled. Employes on either a Tier I or Tier II Reserve Board, with application on file with CMS, will be recalled to service in seniority order. d. Employes on the reserve board not responding to recall under the provisions of the four (4) day written notice as identified in Item (b) above, will have their reserve board pay terminated on the fifth day. Employes must return to service in accordance with the provisions of this Section (fifteen days from day of notice) and failure to do so will result in the forfeiture of all seniority rights, subject to the discipline provisions set forth in the basic agreement. 9. Other non-railroad employment while on any of the Reserve Boards is permissible so long as there is no conflict of interest. There shall be no offset for outside earnings. 10. Employes on the Tier I or Tier II Reserve Boards may participate in Carrier sponsored "Borrow-Out" Programs in an effort to redeploy manpower on the Union Pacific System. 11. Reserve Board payments will be considered as compensable service in determining the compensation due for vacation. Vacation pay received while on the Reserve Board will offset pay received under Paragraph 5. Time spent in reserve status will not count toward determining whether the employe is eligible for vacation in succeeding years. It will count in determining the length of vacation to which an employe, otherwise eligible, is entitled. 12. Employes on any of the Reserve Boards are covered by Health and Welfare Plans, Union Shop, Dues Check-off, Discipline Rules and the Grievance Procedures that are applicable to employes in active service. 13. Employes on any of the Reserve Boards are not eligible for holiday pay, bereavement leave, jury pay, and all other similar special allowances. 14. Tier II Reserve Boards shall be the existing Reserve Boards and they shall continue at their present locations with their existing positions and zone rights. 15. Tier I Reserve Board locations and zone rights will be the same as Tier II. The positions on the boards shall be established as follows: Tier I Reserve Boards Nampa 22 Pocatello 70 Ogden 0 Salt Lake City (north) 20 16. The number of positions on each Tier I Reserve Board was established as follows: a. 80% percentage of estimated conductor-only trains applied to the present number of pool freight first brakemen (50 first brakemen and 80% conductor-only operation equals 40 first brakemen slots on the Tier I Reserve Boards) plus b. 55% percentage of the present extra board which protected the first brakemen positions assigned to the Tier I Reserve Board (20 extra board employes and 55% equals 11 additional Tier I slots). 17. It is understood that a Reserve Board will not operate when all protected employes or employes hired prior to the date of this Agreement are placed on either a guaranteed extra board or on a regular must-fill assignment within the reserve board zone. 18. The number of Tier I Reserve Board Positions will be adjusted to reflect operations after 120 days from implementation of this agreement and then at the completion of one (1) year from implementation another adjustment to reflect operations will be made. 19. Any provisions set forth in this Article shall prevail if in conflict with previous arrangements and/or understandings with respect to Reserve Boards and employes.