Section 1 - At points where yard crews are employed, combination road-yard service zones may be established within which yard crews may be used to perform specified service outside of switching limits under the following conditions:

     (a) Road-Yard Service Zones for industrial switching purposes are limited to a distance not to exceed ten (10) miles, or the entrance switch to the last industry, whichever is the lesser. The distances referred to herein are to be computed from the switching limits existing on the date of this agreement, except where the parties on individual properties may agree otherwise.

     (b) Within Road-Yard Service Zones, yard crews may be used only to meet customer service requirements for the delivery, switching, or pick up of cars which were not available or ready for handling by the road crew or crews normally performing the service or which are required to be expedited for movement into the yard before arrival of said road crew or crews. Yard crews may be used to perform such service without any additional compensation and without penalty payments to road crews.

NOTE: The use of yard crews in Road-Yard Service Zones is restricted to the specific service required or requested by the customer and they may not be used indiscriminately to perform any other additional work.

      (c) The use of yard crews in Road-Yard Service Zones established under this Article may not be used to reduce or eliminate road crew assignments working within such zones.

     (d) Nothing in this Section 1 is intended to impose restrictions with respect to any operation where restrictions did not exist prior to the date of this agreement.

Section 2 - At points where yard crews are employed, combination road-yard service zones may be established within which yard crews may be used to perform specified service outside of switching limits under the following conditions:

     (a) Road-Yard Service Zones for purposes of this Section 2 are limited to a distance not to exceed fifteen (15) miles for the purpose of handling disabled trains or trains tied up under the Hours of Service Act. The distances referred to herein are to be computed from the switching limits existing on the date of this agreement, except where the parties on individual properties may agree otherwise.

     (b) Within Road-Yard Service Zones, yard crews may be used to handle disabled road trains or those tied up under the Hours of Service Act outside their final terminal without penalty to road crews. For such service yard crews shall be paid miles or hours, whichever is the greater, with a minimum of one (1) hour for the class of service performed (except where existing agreements require payment at yard rates) for all time consumed outside of switching limits. This allowance shall be in addition to the regular yard pay and without any deduction therefrom for the time consumed outside of switching limits.

     (c) Nothing in this Section 2 is intended to impose restrictions with respect to handling disabled road trains or those tied up under the Hours of Service Act beyond the 15 mile road-yard service zones, established under this section where restrictions did not exist prior to the date of this agreement.

     (d) This Section 2 shall become effective unless a carrier elects to preserve existing rules or practices by notifying the authorized employee representatives within fifteen (15) days after the date of this agreement.

Section 3 - Time consumed by yard crews in Road-Yard Service Zones established under this Article will not be subject to equalization as between road and yard service crews and/or employees.

     This Article shall become effective fifteen (15) days after the date of this Agreement.