ARTICLE II - COST-OF-LIVING ADJUSTMENTS Section 1 - Amount and Effective Dates of Cost-of-Living Adjustments

     (a) A cost-of-living adjustment increase of 32 cents per hour will be made effective July 1, 1981. The amount of such adjustment will be added to the cost-of-living allowance of 58 cents per hour remaining in effect. As result of such adjustment, the cost-of-living allowance effective July 1, 1981 will be 90 cents per hour.

     (b) A further cost-of-living adjustment increase of 35 cents per hour will be made effective as of January 1, 1982. The amount of such adjustment will be added to the cost-of-living allowance of 90 cents per hour remaining in effect. As result of such adjustment the cost-of-living allowance effective January 1, 1982 will be $1.25 per hour.

     (c) A further cost-of-living adjustment increase of 22 cents per hour will be made effective as of July 1, 1982. The amount of such adjustment will be added to the cosC-of-living allowance of $1.25 per hour remaining in effect. As result of such adjustment the cost-of-living allowance effective July 1, 1982 will be $1.47 per hour.

     (d) The cost-of-living allowance resulting from the adjustments provided for in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) above will subsequently be adjusted, in the manner set forth in and subject to all the provisions of paragraphs (h) and (1) below, on the basis of the "Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (Revised Series) (CPI-W)" (1967 = 100), U.S. Index, all items - unadjusted, as published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, and hereinafter referred to as the BLS Consumer Price Index. The first such cost-of-living adjustment shall be made effective January 1, 1983, based (subject to paragraph (h)(i) below) on the BLS Consumer Price Index for September 1982 as compared with the index for March 1982. Such adjustment, and further cost-of-living adjustments which will be made effective the first day of each sixth month thereafter, will be based on the change in the BLS Consumer Price Index during the respective measurement periods shown in the following table subject to the exception in paragraph (h)(ii) below, according to the formula set forth in paragraph (i) below:

Measurement Periods Effective Date

Base Month Measurement Month of Adjustment

~ TO (2) (3)

March 1982 September 1982 January 1, 1983

September 1982 March 1983 July 1, 1983

March 1983 September 1983 January 1, 1984

     (e) While a cost-of-living allowance is in effect, such cost-of-living allowance will apply to straight time, overtime, vacations, holidays and to special allowances and arbitraries in the same manner as basic wage adjustments have been applied in the past.

     (f) The amount of the cost-of-living allowance, if any, which will be effective from one adjustment date to the next may be equal to, or greater or less than, the cost-of-living allowance in effect in the preceding adjustment period.

     (g) On December 31, 1983 the cost-of-living allowance in effect on January 1, 1983 shall be rolled into basic rates of pay and the cost-of-living allowance remaining in effect will be reduced by a like amount. On June 30, 1984, 50% of the cost-of-living allowance then in effect (rounded to the next higher cent if the allowance consists of an odd number of cents) shall be rolled into basic rates and the cost-of-living allowance remaining in effect will be reduced by a like amount.

     (h) Cap, (i) In calculations under paragraph (i) below, the maximum increase in the BLS Consumer Price Index (C.P.I.) which will be taken into account will be as follows:

Effective Date Maximum C.P.I. Increase

of Adjustment Which May Be Taken into Account

(1) (2)

January 1, 1983 42 of March 1982 CPI

July 1, 1983 8% of March 1982 CPI, less the increase from

March, 1982 to September, 1982.

January 1, 1984 4% of March 1983 CPI

     (ii) If the Increase in the BLS Consumer Price Index from the base month of March 1982 to the measurement month of September 1982, exceeds 42 of the March base index, the measurement period which will be used for determining the cost-of-living adjustment to be effective the following July 1 will be the twelve-month period from such base month of March; the increase in the index which will be taken into account will be limited to that portion of increase which is in excess of 4% of such March base index, and the maximum increase in that portion of the index which may be taken into account will be 8% of such March base index less the 4% mentioned in the preceding clause, to which will be added any residual tenths of points which had been dropped under paragraph (i) below in calculation of the cost-of-living adjustment which will have become effective January 1 during such measurement period.

     (iil) Any increase in the BLS Consumer Price Index from the base month of March 1982 to the measurement month <f March 1983 in excess of 8% of the March 1982 base index, will not he taken into account in the determination of subsequent cost-of-living adjustments.- 7 -

     (i) Formula. The number of points change in the BLS Consumer Price Index during a measurement period, as limited by paragraph (h) above, will be converted into cents on the basis of one cent equals 0.3 full points. (By "0.3 full points" it is intended that any remainder of 0.1 point or 0.2 point of change after the conversion will not be counted.)

     The cost-of-living allowance in effect on July 1, 1982 as result of application of Section l(c) will be adjusted (increased or decreased) effective January 1, 1983 by the whole number of cents produced by dividing by 0.3 the number of points (including tenths of points) change, as limited by paragraph (h) above, in the BLS Consumer Price Index during the measurement period from the base month of March 1982 to the measurement month of September 1982. Any residual tenths of a point resulting from such division will be dropped. The result of such division will be added to the amount of the cost-of-living allowance in effect on July 1, 1982 if the Consumer Price Index will have been higher at the end than at the beginning of the measurement period, and subtracted therefrom only if the index will have been lower at the end than at the beginning of the measurement period.

     The same procedure will be followed in applying subsequent adjustments.

     (j) Continuance of the cost-of-living adjustments is dependent upon the availability of the official monthly BLS Consumer Price Index (CPI-W) calculated on the same basis as such Index, except that, if the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, should during the effective period of this Agreement revise or change the methods or basic data used in calculating the BLS Consumer Price Index in such a way as to affect the direct comparability of such revised or changed index with the CPI-W Index during a measurement period, then that Bureau shall be requested to furnish a conversion factor designed to adjust the newly revised index to the basis of the CPI-W Index during such measurement period.

Section 2 - Application of Cost-of-Living Adjustments

     In application of the cost-of-living adjustments provided for by Section 1 of this Article II,. the cost-of-living allowance will not become part of basic rates of pay except as provided in Section l(g). Such allowance will be applied as follows:

     (a) -For others than dining car stewards and yardmasters, each one cent per hour of cost-of-living allowance will be treated as an increase of 8 cents in the basic daily rates of pay produced by application of Sections 2, 3 and 4 of Article I and by Section Kg) of this Article II. The cost-of-living allowance will otherwise be applied in keeping with the provisions of Section 5 of Article I.

     (b) For dining car stewards, each one cent per hour of cost-of-living allowance will be treated as an increase of $1.80 in the monthly rates of pay produced by application of Section 6 of Article I and by Section Kg) of this Article II.- 8 -

     (c) For yardmasters, each one cent per hour of cost-of-living allowance will be treated as an increase of $2.00 in the monthly rates of pay produced by application of Section 6 of Article I and by Section l(g) of this Article II.