953 Back   2003 Health Benefit Agreement

Expansion of Managed Care

(a) The parties to this Agreement, hereinafter referred to as the "parties," will promptly solicit bids from interested companies to provide those services to the Plan involving the MMCP that are currently provided by Aetna Inc. The parties will evaluate the bids received and the capabilities of the companies making those bids and will accept such of them (or enter into negotiations with the bidding company or companies) as the parties deem appropriate.

(b) The parties will promptly research the existence, costs, benefits and services provided, outcomes and other relevant statistics of regional health maintenance organizations, and shall make participation in such of those organizations as the parties deem appropriate available as an option to individuals covered by the Plan.

(c) With respect to geographic areas where the Plan’s MMCP is not currently available but where companies capable of administering the MMCP provide such services, the parties will solicit proposals from such companies to administer the MMCP, and will evaluate the proposals they receive and accept such of them (or enter into negotiations with the proposing company or Companies) as the parties deem appropriate.

(d) The parties will solicit proposals from pharmacy benefit managers who specialize in filling prescriptions for injectable medications (and any other medications on which the parties may agree) and will accept one or more of such proposals (or enter into negotiations with the proposing company or companies) as the parties deem appropriate.