1       The International shall consist of the following Officers, Boards and
2     Members:
3       (A) Officers:
4              President
5              Assistant President
6              General Secretary and Treasurer
7              National Legislative Director
8              Alternate National Legislative Director
9              Canadian Legislative Director
10             Alternate Canadian Legislative Director
11             Fourteen (14) Vice Presidents
12                     Two Vice Presidents shall be from Canada
13                     One (1) Vice President shall be from the
14                             membership having seniority in Rail Commuter
15                             Service
16                     One (1) Vice President shall be from the Bus Department
17             Assistant to the President - Yardmasters
18             Alternate Assistant to the President - Yardmasters
19             Alternate Vice Presidents:
20                     Two (2) from the Eastern Territory
21                     Two (2) from the Western Territory
22                     Two (2) from the Southern Territory
23                     One (1) from Canada
24                     One (1) from membership having seniority
25                             in Rail Commuter Service
26                     One (1) from the Bus Department from the
27                             Western Territory (West of the Mississippi River)
28                     One (1) from the Bus Department from the Eastern
29                             Territory (East of the Mississippi River)
30      Vacancies occurring in positions not subject to attrition shall be
31    filled as follows:
32      President - By the Assistant President
33      Assistant President - By a 2/3 vote of the Board of Directors
34      General Secretary and Treasurer - By a 2/3 vote of the Board
35         of Directors
36      National Legislative Director - By the Alternate Legislative Director
37      Canadian Legislative Director - By the Alternate Canadian Legislative
38         Director
39      Vice Presidents:
40      The Alternate Vice President from Canada shall fill a Canadian
41         Vice Presidential vacancy.
42      The Alternate Vice President from Rail Commuter Service
43             shall fill a Rail Commuter Service Vice President Vacancy
44      The Senior Alternate Vice President from the Bus Department
45             shall fill a Bus Vice Presidential vacancy.
46      Vice Presidential vacancies from the Eastern, Western and
47             Southern Territories shall be filled by the Senior Alternate
48             from the territory in which the vacancy occurs who shall be
49             come the Junior Vice President.
50      Vacancies not otherwise provided for in this Article shall be filled by
51    a 2/3 vote of the Board of Directors.
52      (B) Boards:
53                     Board of Directors -
54                             The Board of Directors shall consist of the President,
55                             Assistant President, General Secretary and Treasurer,
56                             National Legislative Director, Canadian Legislative
57                             Director, four (4) Senior U.S. Vice Presidents, the
58                             Senior Canadian Vice President, one (1) Bus Vice
59                             President, and Trustee (subject to attrition).
60                     Board of Trustees -
61                             The Board of Trustees shall consist of The
62                             International President, General Secretary and
63                             Treasurer and the Senior Canadian Vice
64                             President shall serve as members of the Board
65                             of Trustees.
66                     Board of Appeals - United States
67                             (Members must hold seniority in one of the crafts
68                             under the jurisdiction of the Board.)
69                             Five (5) Members
70                                    One (1) from Engine Service
71                                    One (1) from Road Service (Train Service)
72                                    One (1) from Yard Service (Train Service)
73                                    One (1) from Commuter Authorities
74                                    One (1) from Bus Department
75                     Board of Appeals - Canada
76                             Three (3) members
77                     Executive Board -
78                             Five (5) members
79                                    One member must be from Canada
80                                    One (1) Alternate to Executive Board

80                             The Alternate to the Executive Board shall fill a
81                             vacancy occurring on the Board except that a
82                             Canadian vacancy shall be filled by a Canadian
83                             appointed from the Canadian Territory by a 2/3
84                             vote of the Board of Directors.
85      (C) Members:
86             One (1) Delegate from each Local
87      (D) Attrition of Positions:
88             A position designated as attritable shall be eliminated
89             when the present incumbent vacates the position
90             for any reason.
91      (E) President Emeritus:
92             The Immediate Past President shall be President
93             Emeritus.
94      (F) American members will vote for the following Officers and
95      Boards:
96              President
97              Assistant President
98              General Secretary and Treasurer
99              National Legislative Director
100             Alternate National Legislative Director
101             Twelve (12) Vice Presidents
102             Assistant to the President - Yardmasters
103             Alternate Assistant to the President -
104                 Yardmasters
105             Alternate Vice Presidents -
106                 Two (2) from the Eastern Territory
107                 Two (2) from the Western Territory
108                 Two (2) from the Southern Territory
109                 Two (2) from the Bus Department
110                 One (1) from Rail Commuter Service
111             Board of Appeals - United States
112              Executive Board
113     (G) Canadian members will vote for the following Officers and
114         Boards:
115            President
116            Assistant President
117            General Secretary and Treasurer
118            Canadian Legislative Director
119            Alternate Canadian Legislative Director
120            Two (2) Vice Presidents from Canada
121            One Alternate Vice President from Canada
122            Board of Appeals - Canada
123            Executive Board