ARTICLE 34 ENDORSEMENT OF SOUVENIRS, ETC. 1 The International or locals shall not endorse articles of 2 merchandise. Locals shall not sell or grant to any person the right to 3 solicit advertisements or issue souvenirs or like objects in the name of 4 the United Transportation Union. 5 Locals, subject to prior approval of the International President, may 6 issue advertising, programs, time books, or other publications of 7 general interest in the name of the United Transportation Union for 8 local purposes, when properly authorized by the local(s) interested, --22-- 9 providing the net proceeds therefrom go to the locals making such 10 authorization. 11 Where two (2) or more locals are located in the same city or sub 12 section in which such publications are to be issued, all locals will be 13 given an opportunity to participate in the project. |