1		Meetings of the local shall be opened by the President, Vice
2	President, Past President, or in their absence by any other officer or
3	member with the following statement:
4		"I now declare this meeting of United Transportation
5		Union Local No. _ open for the transaction of
6		such business as may properly come before it."
7		The following order of business is suggested but locals may alter
8	the suggested order of business as necessary to suit their
9	requirements:
10		1. Roll call of officers
11		2. Reading minutes of the previous meeting
12		3. Admission of new members
13		4. Treasurer's report
14		5. Reports of officers and committees
15		6. Communications
16		7. Unfinished business
17		8. New business
18		9. Bills of allowance
19		10. Nomination of officers and committeepersons
20		11. Election and installation of officers
21		12. Safety first
22		13. Ways and means of improving the United
23		    Transportation Union
24		14. Closing