

21.1 General

21.1.1 An employee who has been dismissed for a violation of the Union Pacific Drug and Alcohol policy will be permitted a one-time return to service following successful completion of a rehabilitation program approved by EAP, provided that the employee has had no previous violation of the Union Pacific Drug and Alcohol Policy in the previous ten (10) years and provided further that no other major rule violation is involved.

21.1.2 An employee who has been granted a one-time return to service under this provision and who violates the Union Pacific Drug and Alcohol Policy again within a ten (10) year period will be dismissed permanently.

21.1.3 Events under the Voluntary Referral Policy and Co-Worker Report Policy do not count against this one time return to service agreement and ten-year policy. (49 CFR Part , Subpart E)

21.2 Terms and Conditions

21.2.1 The terms and conditions of an employee's rehabilitation and education program agreement for reinstatement will contain a twelve month probation period. During this probation period, any violation by the employee of the terms established for their reinstatement will result in the employee being returned to dismissed status without benefit of a hearing, unless a hearing is required by agreement or FRA regulations (49 CFR 219.104).

21.2.2 This probationary period, and the terms thereof, do not preclude Union Pacific from conducting follow-up testing for a minimum 3-year period following reinstatement, as detailed in this Policy (except as prescribed by a SAP) for covered service employees, where Federal tests are involved.