Side Letter No. 2
Dear Sir:
This is to confirm our discussions of the Agreement effective February 1, 1992, amending the Crew Consist Agreement of June 29, 1984.
It was agreed that in the computation of guarantee for reserve board and separation allowance payments, UTU union officers will have union compensation added to their railroad earnings.
This refers to our discussions concerning Article VII of the Modified Crew Consist agreement effective February 1, 1992, amending the Crew Consist Agreement for June 29, 1984.
Article VII provides for offsets based on the number of employee on Tier II Reserve Boards. Since the Tier II Reserve Boards overlap the Productivity Fund accounts, the parties agreed as follows:
(1) The parties will review the percentage of Tier I] Reserve Board employee that are placed on the Tier I] Reserve Board from each fund area. This percentage will be used to determine the offsets for each fund.
(2) Since the Denver and
Oakley extra boards currently do not protect second brakemen/switchmen
positions, all reductions in those boards due to implementation of this
Agreement will be credited to the Tier I Reserve Board.