Side Letter No. 4
(Zone 200)

Dear Sir:

During our negotiations of the Modified Crew Consist Agreement effective February 1, 1992, the issue of whether there would be an opportunity for employee to exercise so called "Sadie Hawkins" rights to and from the Reserve Boards was discussed. It was understood that such rights were intended and they would be implemented as follows:

(1) For eligible employee there shall be two "Sadie Hawkins Weeks" per year. For the territory encompassing Zone 200 it will be effective January 10 and Ju1y 10 of each year. The "Sadie Hawkins Week" notice shall be posted approximately two weeks prior to the effective date and employee will have one week within which to make application.

( 2 ) In addition to providing a means of moving to and from the Reserve Boards, it is the intent of this Side Letter to incorporate Rule 93 into the July 10 Sadie Hawkins Week.