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(1) INTERNATIONAL LEVEL The "International " is located in Cleveland, Ohio and consists primarily of the President, Assistant President, General Secretary & Treasurer, National Legislative Director and Vice Presidents located throughout the U. S. and Canada. The President heads all union affairs and activities, presides at conventions, supervises officers and employees, interprets union laws, decides all disputes and exercises general executive and administrative control of daily activities of the union. The Assistant President is a representative of the President and assists the President in carrying out all policies and programs of the union. The General Secretary and Treasurer is the chief financial officer of the union and shall receive and collect all monies due the union, pay all bills, countersign all checks and drafts requiring his/her signature, and such other papers as may be necessary in the transaction of the business. The National Legislative Director is the chief legislative and political officer. He/she shall devote his/her efforts to secure the enactment, modification, or repeal of laws in accordance with the legislative policy of the organization and handle all legislative matters referred to him/her by the International President. The Vice Presidents maintain headquarters at different locations throughout the country. They act as field agents, assisting General Committees and locals at the direction of the President. (2) INTERMEDIATE LEVEL The General Chairpersons and State Legislative Directors serve at the intermediate level of the Union. The General Chairperson heads the General Committee of Adjustment and handles all claims, grievances and discipline matters on a regional/railroad basis, with authority to make and interpret contracts (consistent with Article 85 of the Constitution) on work rules and rates of pay. The State Director heads the Legislative Board in his/her state. The Board is made up of the elected Legislative Representative of each local. The State Director attends sessions of the state legislature and keeps in close contact with state lawmakers to promote political and legislative interests of the members. (3) LOCAL LEVEL At the local level the primary officers include the Local President, Local Secretary, Local Treasurer, Local Chairperson, and Local Legislative Representative. To most members these officers are the UTU. They see the UTU as they look at these officers. The actions, or inactions, of these officers are what the members will judge the UTU to be. The President of the local acts to lead and direct the local. He presides over meetings, supervises the local's affairs, decides disputes, appoints committees, etc. The Local Secretary records minutes of meetings, handles correspondence, signs and seals documents. The Local Treasurer collects dues, disburses funds, keeps accurate records and files all reports required by law. The Local Treasurer's job has been simplified by the use of payroll deduction. Prior to dues being deducted from a member's payroll check, collection was a problem. The Local Secretary can furnish officers with a current list of members, both active and retired. Local Legislative Representatives attend state legislative board meetings and work under the direction of the State Legislative Director, and make proposals for legislation to remedy any unsafe and unsanitary working conditions.