Attachment (d)
NOTE 2: At terminals where more than one seniority district works, i.e.
Salt Lake City, it is not necessary to have trainers from each
seniority district. A trainer may train engineers from
multiple seniority districts.
NOTE 3: Engineers holding seniority at a given location will be used as
trainers unless business levels are such that it would create a shortage
or continue a shortage of engineers at that location. In these instances, trainers from an area of surplus
may be used. In Notes 2 and
3, field rides will only be given
after a peer trainer is familiar with the territory.
(c ) The engineers selected will be designated as Trainers subject
to the terms and conditions of this agreement.
NOTE 2: Should the Local Chairmen not produce a list of applicants and/or
proposed trainers, then the General Chairman will do so in a timely
(a) Peer trainers may be used for any training needs for engineers
or the public such as but not limited to:
(1) Rules
(2) Check
rides - pre-certification, familiarization and others.
(3) Red
Operation Life Saver.
(5) New
equipment - including distributive power.
(7) Pilot
service - terminal and road familiarization in connection with
mergers, trackage rights, new ID runs, etc.
(b) Classroom peer trainers will be primarily used in classroom
settings, including rules exams, Red Block, Operation Life Saver,
(c ) Field peer trainers will be primarily used in the field
including check rides, hostler training, new equipment, simulators, pilot
service, etc.
(d) Employees designated as both classroom and field peer trainers
may be used in either capacity. The two classifications of trainers
are meant as guidelines and it is recognized that work in each area will
overlap and claims will not be filed because of any overlap.
The Carrier may require additional training for peer trainers
designed to enhance their ability to perform peer training duties. When sent to another location for
additional training or to train others, they will be reimbursed for actual
travel expenses as arranged by the Carrier. Employees who receive permission
to drive their own automobile will be reimbursed at the then current
mileage rate. Employees must turn in expense account forms showing actual
travel and meal expenses and receipts where required by Carrier
When a training need arises, the Carrier will select a peer
trainer(s) from the pool of trainers and assign the trainer(s) to the
assignment. If the assignment
is anticipated to be 30 days or less, the vacancy, caused by the trainer
leaving their regular assignment, will be treated as a temporary vacancy
under existing rules. If it is anticipated that the vacancy will be for 31
days or longer, then as a permanent vacancy under existing rules.
Peer trainers shall be paid as follows:
(a) Trainers who work in a classroom or simulator
setting shall be paid $230 per day.
(b) Trainers who work in the field (on moving locomotive units)
will be paid the greater of $230 per day or one hundred fifteen (115)
percent of their prior year earnings used to determine their 1/52 vacation
pay. The percentage amount
shall be divided by 365 and a daily rate shall be established.
(c ) The rate ($230 or 115 o/o) shall be paid for each day the
trainer is withheld from their regular assignment due to their training
assignment. The payment, either the percentage amount or the minimum
amount shall be for services
rendered and no other payment, overtime or arbitrary shall be paid.
1: The trainer, working in pool freight service, is notified to teach
rules exams the following week beginning on Monday. If his/her pool turn normally
would arrive back in town no later than Saturday at 11:59 p.m., he/she will work the turn and
begin training Monday through Friday and be paid five days at $230 per day. ff
his/her pool turn leaves on Friday (the last day of training) and returns on
Saturday, then he/she will receive another
day's pay for Saturday.
If the original pool turn does not leave until the Saturday before the training begins, the
trainer will be paid two additional days at $230 for the Saturday/Sunday
missed days of the regular turn.
.Example 2: The rate using the percentage factor is $265 per
day. A trainer is used to
work with an engineer on distributed power between two terminals. The
trainer is used on Monday to the far terminal and Tuesday back, the same
days his regular assignment worked.
The trainer is paid $265 per day.
(d) Ant
engineer working as a trainer wil be treated as occupying the "highest
rated position available" for purposes of computing any applicable
(e) It is understood that all time spent serving in any program
addressed by this Agreement is considered the same as marked up and
available for guarantee purposes.
Such time will also be considered as compensated service for the
purpose of calculating vacation qualification and vacation earnings.