45. REGULAR LOCAL AND MIXED TRAIN ASSIGNMENTS. (a) Bulletins calling for bids for regular local and mixed train service
assignments will show the terminal or terminals of the assignment, days per
week, territory to be served and time it is expected engineer will be required
to report for duty.
Engineers of assigned locals or mixed train service runs may be called two (2)
hours in advance or two (2) hours later than starting time established by
bulletin without penalty payment.
(c) If required to report for work more than two (2) hours in advance of
bulletined starting time, a minimum of one hundred (100) miles will be paid for
service in advance of bulletined starting time in addition to hours or miles
(with minimum of one hundred (100) miles) for service on bulletined assignments.
If required to go on duty more than two (2) hours later than the bulletined
starting time, pay will commence two (2) hours later than the bulletined
starting time, except, that where any member of the train and engine crew
requires rest under the Hours of Service Law, pay will not commence until the
expiration of the maximum legal rest period required by any member of the train
and engine crew.
When an engineer is not brought on duty until after midnight at the terminal
from which his assignment is scheduled to depart before midnight, and he has not
made a trip on the assignment out of that terminal on the preceding calendar
day, a guarantee day equivalent to the mileage of his assignment with a minimum
of one hundred (100) miles will be allowed for that calendar day.
When an engineer is brought on duty before midnight, the service trip commencing
as of the time brought on duty will apply against the guarantee for that
calendar day. When an engineer is brought on duty after midnight and guarantee
is paid in accordance with section (c), the assignment for the next succeeding
trip may be cancelled and an extra engineer used, in which event the regular
engineer will be paid the guarantee of his bulletined assignment with a minimum
of one hundred (100) miles.
The provisions of this rule are subject to the, provisions of Rule 93.