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Hill Pool Agreement |
TRN1-1179 September 14,1972 INTERDISTRICT RUNS THROUGH (Article 35) Pursuant to the provisions of Article 36, Section A, the following rules govern interdistrict operation through Crescent Lake, between Eugene and Klamath Falls: 1. Straightaway unassigned freight service between Eugene and Klamath Falls is manned by interseniority district crews operating in a single tour of duly on pool freight runs. Eugene-Klamath Falls crews have home terminal at Eugene and away-from-home terminal at Klamath Fans; Klamath Falls-Eugene crews have home terminal at Klamath Falls and away-from-home terminal at Eugene. 2. Crescent Lake is no longer a terminal. There are no restrictions on service required of inter-district crews en route between Eugene and Klamath Falls. 3. Each of the sources of supply (Eugene and Klamath Falls) maintains rotary inactive and active boards, which operate as follows: (a) (1) Inactive pool freight boards consist of those pool freight crews (including the regularly assigned crew members performing service thereon) who arrive at their home terminal after performing a straightaway trip or deadhead from their away-from-home terminal but who have not accrued 30 hours off duty computed from the time registered off duty. (2) Home terminal crews marked to the inactive board may be subject to service prior to their accruing 30 hours off duty if another pool freight crew is not available for service; however, they cannot go on duty for subsequent service prior to 18 hours from the time registered off duty. Extra made-up crews augment the pool in lieu of using such crews before they accrue 18 hours off duty. (b) (1) Active pool freight boards consist of those pool freight crews (including all crew members performing service thereon) who arrive their away-from-home terminal, and those crews at their home terminal who have accrued 30 hours off duty. (2) Away-from-home terminal crews are placed on the active board according to their time of arrival. Home terminal crews are placed thereon upon completion of the required 30 hours off duty, subject to Blue Print Agreement standing among themselves. Carrier may deadhead away-from-home terminal crews around home terminal crews (if the deadhead movement spans the entire freight district) without payment of runaround penalties to the home terminal crews. If their mark-up times are the same, an away-from-home terminal is placed on the board ahead of a home terminal crew. (c) The superintendent's representative In cooperation with the local chairmen periodically will review the operation, including the average roundtrip cycle time and the inactive time, and adjust the time periods, if necessary. If the division officer and the local chairman cannot agree upon proper allocation of work among the crews or upon modification of the inactive times, a labor relations officer and the general chairman will resolve the dispute. 4. Carrier regulates the number of crews hi the Eugene-Klamath Falls and Klamath Falls-Eugene pool freight district (maintaining crew units), after conference with the interested local chairman, by a formula that maintains sufficient crews to protect business fluctuations and to equalize the interdistnct mileage accumulation. (a) If the number of crews must be reduced at Eugene or Klamath Falls, the crew having the highest run number is removed first and thereafter in descending numerical order. If the crew (or crews) being removed is marked to the active board at their home terminal, such crew is not removed from the pool until its return after the next subsequent trip. (b) If the number of crews must be increased at Eugene or Klamath Falls, the new crew (or crews) is placed to the respective active board at 12:01 p.m. but they stand behind other crews which also mark to the board at 12:01 p.m. 5. Trainmen who depart from Klamath Falls for deadhead or service between Eugene and Klamath Falls (including those called for other than interdivisional service) are called one hour (as nearly as practicable) before the time they must report for duty or to commence deadheading. Trainmen who depart from Eugene are called one hour 30 minutes (as nearly as practicable) before the time they must report for duty or commence deadheading. (See TRN 22-172.) 6. Rest Requirements: (a) Interdistrict pool freight crews who arrive their home terminal after performing a straightaway trip or deadhead are governed by the conditions set forth in paragraph 3, above, or as amended by the parties. Crew members on such crews who arrive their away-from-home terminal after performing a straightaway trip or deadhead, receive eight hours off duty (except if the Federal Hours of Service Law requires ten hours) unless they are called to return deadhead to their home terminal. (b) Trainmen upon arrival at their home terminal in extra service after performing a straightaway trip or deadhead in the inter-district pool freight service as set forth in paragraph 1, cannot go on duty for any subsequent service in less than 12 hours after tying up at their home terminal, except as indicated herein. (c) Trainmen who arrive their home terminal after performing other than a straightaway trip or deadhead in such interdistrict pool freight service are subject to the off duty provisions contained in Article 46, and other local rest rules if applicable. (d) Those trainmen who are regularly assigned to such interdistrict pool freight service as set forth in paragraph 1 above, upon arrival at their home terminal after performing a straightaway trip or deadhead on their assignment, do not stand for service until they have accrued the minimum off-duty period as provided herein in paragraph 3(a), above, except in an emergency. They are not available for subsequent service as either conductor or brakeman in less than such minimum off-duty period if they are displaced or assigned to another position. (e) If an extra or emergency conductor is not available according to the provisions of this paragraph 6, the first-out extra conductor having time to work under the Federal Hours of Service Law is used. If extra conductors do not stand for such service, the emergency conductor having time to work under the Federal Hours of Service Law is used in seniority order; except those who have arrived on their assignments in inter-district pool service, subject to the minimum off-duty period set forth in paragraph 3(a) above, cannot be used except in emergency. (f) If extra, emergency, or Article 53 brakemen are not available according to the provisions of this paragraph 6 the first out extra brakeman having tune to work under the Federal Hours of Service Law is used. If extra or emergency brakemen are not available, the Article 53 brakeman having time to work under the Federal Hours of Service Law is used in seniority order, except those who have arrived on their assignments in interdistrict pool service subject to the minimum off-duty period set forth in paragraph 3(a) above, cannot be used except in emergency. 7. The "Attrition Agreements," applicable at Eugene and Klamath Falls on a segregated basis, continue in effect, modified to include the extended assignments, allocated to those sources of supply and the modified off-duty provisions. 8. Trainmen cannot lay off at other than the home terminal of their run, except in bona fide emergency cases. A vacancy created by an emergency layoff is filled by a trainman from the appropriate extra board at the terminal at which the layoff occurs. Upon his arrival at the opposite terminal such trainman deadheads to his home terminal. Third brakeman vacancies are filled only by fully rested, unassigned "Protected" brakemen who are available at the terminal where the vacancy occurs. 9. Turnaround unassigned freight service: (a) Extra made-up crews from Eugene perform such turnaround freight service (or deadhead for such service) which originates at Eugene, including Hours of Service reliefs on all pool freight crews as turnarounds from Eugene. Other pool freight crews continue to relieve pool freight crews which require running the trains to the opposite terminal. (b) Extra made-up crews from Klamath Falls perform such turnaround freight service (or deadhead for such service) which originates at Klamath Falls, including Hours of Service reliefs on an pool freight crews as turnarounds from Klamath Falls. Other pool freight crews continue to relieve pool freight crews which require running the trains to the opposite terminal. (c) The pool freight crew being relieved and the pool freight relieving them need not come from the same pool (i.e., need not have the same home terminal). (d) A pool freight crew, after departing a terminal on contemplated through movement, subsequently may return to that terminal. If such pool crew returns to either terminal they are placed to first-out position on the active board. They stand for subsequent service after they accrue offduty time equal to the applicable calling tune if they are available under the Federal Hours of Service Law. 10. (a) Local freight and road switcher service: (1) Such runs established by bulletin having home terminal between Eugene and Crescent Lake inclusive, (or branches emanating therefrom) are allocated to trainmen holding seniority on the Portland District. Vacancies are protected according to agreements applicable to the Eugene source of supply. (2) Such runs established by bulletin having home terminal between Klamath Falls and Crescent Lake (excluding Crescent Lake) are allocated to trainmen holding seniority on the Shasta District. Vacancies are protected according to agreements applicable to the Klamath Falls source of supply. (3) On runs whose limits as set forth by the assignment bulletin extend into the other seniority district, the positions thereon are subject to mileage adjustment between the seniority districts. Unless otherwise provided, after the mileage In the other district the mileage in the other district accrues to the point that it equals at least 60 working days' service, the interested local chairmen jointly may request that a position or positions on such run be preadvertised for seniority choice for conductors and/or brakemen of that other district for the period of time needed to balance or equalize the off-district mileage. If bids are not received for such preadvertised positions the unbalanced mileage is not adjusted. It is forfeited and a new accumulating period commences. Vacancies on these positions are filled according to paragraphs (1) and (2) above. (b) Work train service: Work train service (assigned or unassigned) may operate in either direction over the territory. Such service is allocated to the board which protects the seniority district at the point the work train service commences each date; except that during a tour of duty commencing on their home district, such crews may perform work train service, including tying up, in the other district. They may go on duty again for another tour of duty provided they return to their home district. They cannot commence two consecutive tours of duty in work train service in the other district. Nothing herein restricts pool freight crews from Eugene or Klamath Falls from performing combination work train service at any point en route. (c) Pilot conductor's service: Pilot conductor's service is allocated to the board which protects the seniority district at the point the pilot service commences. However, a pilot conductor may run through Crescent Lake during a single tour of duty, or he may return in pilot service from the opposite terminal to his home board. (See Example 14, TRN 1-502.) 11. Existing rules governing the conductors' and brakemen's extra and emergency, boards at Eugene and Klamath Falls remain in effect except as modified hereby. 12. If carrier elects to revert to the former operation changed by this agreement, it will serve a PO-day notice on the general chairman and the former operation and condition including rates of pay (subject to subsequent general wage adjustments), then resume.