RULE 84-



        (a) Freight Service ‑ Crew Consist: Except as provided in the agreements dated August 25, 1964 and March I, 1968, a crew in all classes of road service shall consist of not less than two brakemen, except (1) passenger service, (2) service with on‑rail Self‑propelled machines pro­vided that such on‑rail self‑propelled machines shall not handle, while in work, construction, repair, inspection and maintenance work, in ex­cess of two standard freight cars, exclusive of idler car, at any one time, and (3) as otherwise provided herein.


(b) Yard Service ‑ Crew Consist: Except as provided in the agreements dated August 25, 1964 and‑March 1, 1968, a crew in yard service shall consist of a foreman and not less than two helpers.  Should a yard crew be reduced by reason of a crew member being relieved during the tour of duty due to illness, injury or some other emergency situation, the remaining two members may be required to continue working for up to ninety minutes. Under this rule crews will not be started to work shorthanded


NOTE: See Appendix 9 for the agreements dated August 25, 1964 and March 1, 1968 relating to crew consist.