RULE 91-



This agreement shall be effective October 1, 1975, and shall continue in effect until it is changed as provided herein, or under the provisions of the Railway Labor Act, as amended.


Should either of the parties to this agreement desire to revise these rules, thirty days written advance notice containing the proposed changes shall be given and conference shall be held immediately upon the expiration of said notice unless another date is mutually agreed upon.


Additional agreements and understandings not set forth in this agreement, which are in effect as of October 1, 1975 and which are not in conflict with any of the provisions of this agreement will remain in effect until changed or cancelled as therein provided. Where rules or portions thereof of the schedule agreements governing wages and working conditions of conductors effective May 1, 1945, and brakemen and yardmen effective May 1, 1945, have been placed under a different heading in this agreement, or where rules or portions thereof are changed for purposes of clarity only, such change shall not be construed as a change in the interpretation thereof.


It is understood and agreed that this agreement is superseded by and subordinate to any municipal, state or federal legislation.


The parties recognize the applicability of the following national agreements, the pertinent parts of which are reproduced in the Appendix or incorporated in the preceding rules:


   1.   Agreement April 29, 1949

   2.   Agreement May 25, 1951

   3.   Agreement May 23, 1952

   4.   Agreement December 16, 1953

   5.   Agreement February 5, 1954

   6.   Agreement May 26, 1955

   7.   Agreement April 5, 1957

   8.   Agreement June 12, 1957

   9.   Agreement November 30, 1960

 10. Agreement January 18, 1961

 11. Agreement June 25, 1964

 12. Agreement November 20, 1964

13. Agreement November 7, 1966

14. Agreement August 25, 1967

15. Agreement January 11, 1968

16. Agreement July 17, 1968

17.Agreement March 13, 1969

18. Agreement January 27, 1972

19. Agreement April 27, 1973

 20. Agreement January 29, 1975


It is understood that the following agreements or understandings which are reproduced in the Appendix shall be continued in effect subject to termination or modification as provided therein:


                                                                            Date of

No.     Subject                                                   Agreement      File

  I        Yard Conditions Defined                           5‑ 5‑53         ODB‑1013


2         Double-overs, ‑ More Than One Coupling 2‑ 2‑56         ODB‑ 818


3        Interdivisional Service                                8‑26‑72        ODB‑3359

             (2nd and 3rd Seniority Districts)                                  ODC‑1292


4        Interdivisional Service                              7‑20‑72         ODB‑3358

             (4th and 5th Seniority Districts)                                    ODC‑1291


5        Traveling Switcher Agreements                 2‑ 1‑71         OOB‑3232

12-21-73            ODB‑3305



6        Final Terminal Delay Tim ‑                     10‑29‑74         ODB‑1142

             Hours of Service Tie‑Ups                                            ODC‑ 497


7        Pooling Caboose Agreements                   8‑ 8‑68         ODB‑1266

                                                                          8‑ 6‑68         ODC‑ 656


8        Five‑Day Work Week                             5‑25‑51         ODB‑1621

             Implementing Agreement                       2‑23‑52         ODB‑1621

             Hold‑Off Board Agreement                 10‑ 5‑56         ODB‑1621

             Letter Agreement                                  7‑20‑67         ODB‑1621


9        Crew Consist Agreements                        8‑25‑64         ODB‑1638

                                                                          3‑ 1‑68         ODB‑2336


10      Synthesis ‑ Expenses Away From Home

             Suitable Lodging Agreement                  6‑28‑65         ODB‑1637A


11      Holiday Pay Synthesis

12      Synthesis of National Operating Vacation


             Split Vacation Agreement                    10‑18‑66         ODB‑ 701

                                                                                                ODC‑ 306


13       Electric Hand Lanterns                              4‑18‑41

             Agreement                                             1‑29‑53        LR 013‑23

14       Stay‑at‑Home Leave                                 3‑ 1‑65         ODB‑1034



15      Physical Examination Procedures ‑              7‑17‑62       ODB‑2500

             Medical Board


16      Union Shop                                                9‑ 3‑53        ODB‑ 553A


17      Check-off of Dues                                     2‑10‑54       ODB‑ 135

                                                                            1‑ 4‑74        ODB‑ 135

                                                                            9‑13‑56       ODC‑ 264

                                                                            1‑ 4‑74        ODC‑ 264

18      Off‑Track Vehicle Insurance                      7‑17‑67       ODB‑2500



19      Regulation Road/Yard Extra Boards           8‑ 7‑75        ODB‑ 93


The parties recognize the applicability of the following agreements and/or understandings which are not reproduced in the Appendix and such agreements which are in effect as of October 1, 1975 will remain in effect until revised or terminated as provided by such agreements:


1.       Area Agreement for Albina Yard               1‑ 5‑52       ODB‑ 983

                                                                                               ODB‑2 191


2.     La Grande Agreement ‑ Vacancies


          Outside Points                                            8‑10‑61       ODB‑ 682


3.       Albina Extra Board Agreements                 2‑15‑50       ODB‑   93

                                                                            4‑ 4‑56        ODB‑   93

                                                                            5‑10‑57       ODB‑   93


4.     SIRR Coordination Agreement                    9‑18‑61         Sl B‑2

5.     Extension Switching Districts

           Hinkle                                                     12‑ 4‑62         ODB‑1747

                                                                                                ODC‑ 813

           Spokane                                                11‑28‑61         LR 013‑17‑8

                                                                          5‑14‑55         ODB‑2076

           The Dalles                                               1‑15‑62         ODB‑1952

           Albina                                                      7‑19‑67         ODB‑ 642

           Argo                                                         7‑ 1‑69         ODB‑1268


6.     Departing Terminal Late or After

           Scheduled Departure Time                       4‑17‑62         ODB‑1582

                                                                                                ODC‑ 748

7.     Consolidation of Brakemen/Yardmen

                    Seniority                                           8‑15‑57       ODB‑ 496



8.        131‑Mile Guarantee in Work Train Service            12‑ 5‑65       ODB‑2283



9.         Hinkle Agreements                               6‑27‑51                       ODB‑2076








J. E. Cook

Director of Labor Relations


T. P. Rogers

General Manager


For the




J.H. Watson

General Chairman


J. K. Wood

Former Secretary

General Committee



A P P R 0 V E D:


F. D. Tuffley

Vice President


August 8, 1975

Portland, Oregon